The Missing Peace
The Missing Peace Podcast
09: 5 steps to set and keep New Years resolutions

09: 5 steps to set and keep New Years resolutions

Aaaah I'm so excited to be sharing this episode with you, as I talk through 5 steps to create resolutions that work for you, and how you can achieve them. They are:

  1. Reflection

  2. Be specific

  3. Action

  4. Accountability

  5. Celebration

And, in all honesty, I started off just writing down journal questions that I want to work through for the New Year, to help myself call in what I really want in 2022. But then I felt a real desire to share this with you, so hear is a podcast and a free mini workbook for you to download!

Download your workbook here:

I would love to know what you think of this workbook and the podcast, so drop me a DM @beccaroseguy with your thoughts :)

For a free 1:1 mindset coaching call book in here:

To download the free journal prompts and action steps to OWN YOUR LIFE (yes, I LOVE journal prompts!) click here:

The Missing Peace
The Missing Peace Podcast
A podcast from a Cumbrian girl on personal growth, body acceptance, nature connection+Lake District adventures.